I'm sure you guys must be wondering why i 'taruk' Lazy? Forced? as the title. Sebelum kapal belayar lebih jauh, it will be nice if i make an introduction first.
Where to start? Ok! Name? You can just call me Shauqat as it what my 'beloved' friends use calling me. Hah? Apa? Nak tahu nama penuh jugak? Hmm..Baiklah. Yeollie is what i'll call myself as in this Ikkijang.Nama [✔] Rasa cukuplah tu kan as introduction.
Back to the course, kenapa ia sebagai title? Actually i've been forced (nak dikata dipaksa tak jugak) by my ibu Aunt Shana to start this blogging thingy.Katanya macam-macam benefit boleh dapat. Kawan (follower) baru (hope so) boleh dapat.Then,can improve my vocabulary and writing skill as well.Since i'm still student,i think it's a great idea and platform for me to sharpen up my writing skill.Other than that,i think blogging also can increase my comunication skill.Yelah kan,mentah-mentah kita sekarang ni berada pada abad ke-21,zaman teknologi,generasi Z katanya,mostly duduk terperuk je dalam bilik or rumah main game(cliche) , Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Youtube etc... susah lah nak berkomunikasi termasuklah orang kat sini.hehe... Selain itu banyak lagi lah benefit dia yang korang sendiri boleh fikir.
Ok! from all of this i hope i can implify this benefit in myself sedikit sebanyak.
My beloved pandoggi, yeollie rasa cukuplah kot setakat ni penulisan ni.Since dah malam,yeollie pun dah penat(penat pikir je sebenarnya) i would like to wish goodnight,bye,assalamualaikum,adios etc...
Ps- jangan lupa basuh kaki
baca doa sebelum tidur
yg beragama islam,yg belum menunaikan kewajipan anda,baik buat sekarang sebelum terlambat.
>ngeh ngeh ngeh<
kalau boleh ambil sembahyang sebelum tidur.
mimpi yeoliie tau.hehehehehe
Not bad huh